Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fourth Grade Schedule Week 1

In preparation- read together pgs 9-23 of A History of US Book 1

walk, circle
cursive practice
"Honor thy Father and thy Mother" tracing 3 times
reading aloud The Story of Stickeen by John Muir

reading silently w/narration A History of US Book 1 Pages 24-28
writing strands 3 Lesson 1
math lab Calculus by and for Young People Lesson 1, Life of Fred Fractions Chapter 6
math puzzler Mathmania selection
oral math 10 minutes
nature science
Outdoor Hour Challenge #4 "seedpods"; hike Cowiche Canyon; gather sage & make bundles to burn later)
US history choose characters, dates (Inuit) to add to timeline, Smithsonian Education lesson 1
form drawing similar to this
geography review continents and oceans
guitar practice 30 minutes
PE Skills bike safety
Lively Latin Lesson 1
spelling present 20 + words to work out orally

walk, circle
reading aloud The Story of Stickeen
main lesson Man and Animal 1.1
cursive practice "Honor thy Father and thy Mother" tracing two times, writing once
reading silently w/narration
writing strands 3 Lesson 1
math puzzler Mathmania
oral math 10 minutes
math practice Life of Fred Fractions Chapter 7, Key Curriculum Measurement Book 3
US History Smithsonian Education Inuit Lesson 2, timeline
grammar Simply Grammar Lesson 1
guitar practice 30 minutes
homeschool gymnastics 1 hour + 3 mile walk
handwork start embroidery- simple stitches
watercolor painting aurora borealis
Lively Latin Lesson 1
spelling write words 3 times each

walk, circle
reading aloud The Story of Stickeen
main lesson Man and Animal 1.2
reading silently w/narration
cursive practice "Honor thy Father and thy Mother" tracing once, writing twice
writing strands 3 Lesson 1
math puzzler Mathmania
math practice Life of Fred Fractions Chapter 8, Key Curriculum any book 1
Anatomy Lesson 1
US History Smithsonian Education Inuit Lesson 3, timeline
geography locate Arctic regions, mark map with regions from readings
guitar practice 30 minutes
Character Study RESPECT First People respect story, talk about respect, activity 1
modeling Stickeen the dog and John Muir
Lively Latin Lesson 1
spelling test, practice writing incorrect words 3 times each

walk, circle
reading aloud
The Story of Stickeen
main lesson Man and Animal 1.3
cursive practice "Honor thy Father and thy Mother" writing three times
reading silently w/narration
writing strands 3 Lesson 1
math puzzler Mathmania
math practice Life of Fred Fractions Chapter 9, Key Curriculum any book 1
oral math 10 minutes
US History Museum of Man Inuit Lesson Geography and Ecology, timeline
grammar Word Play pg 6 "Humorous Modifications"
guitar lesson
PE Skills bicycle skills
handwork embroidery stitches
Lively Latin Lesson 1
spelling test of words incorrect yesterday, practice writing incorrect words 3 times each

walk, circle
copy work "Honor thy Father and thy Mother" with illustration
reading aloud The Story of Stickeen
reading silently w/narration history reading- Inuit
pen pal letter or journal writing
math puzzler
math practice Life of Fred Fractions Chapter 10, Key Curriculum any book 1
oral math 10 minutes
lab science The Milestones of Science kit
US History write paragraph about Inuit, draw picture in main lesson book
art appreciation and technique Artistic Pursuits Lesson 1
swimming 2 hours
Lively Latin Lesson 1
spelling test of words incorrect yesterday, practice writing incorrect words 3 times each

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